Friday, 28 March 2014

Chintsa East School Drama Club presents: The Gingerbread Girl

What a delightfully dazzling two hours spent at Tea in the Trees yesterday evening, when the Drama Club of Chintsa East Primary School treated us to a highly entertaining show, telling the story of what happened after The Gingerbread Man...

The production poster,
and program (below right)
And what a perfect setting for the play – Tea in the Trees’ Forest Theatre, where a 50-strong crowd  gathered to watch a very local version of the sequel to the epic children’s Fairy Tale, in which the village and surrounding farms of Chintsa have been ravaged by the Gingerbread Man. 

The story unfolds with the Gingerbread Man Creator/village baker coming up with the bright idea of creating a new, benevolent and loving answer to the scourge of the original gingerbread person: a Gingerbread Girl!  There is an amazing moment of genius in this play as the local law enforcement characters, who get wind of this new plot, come in to arrest the baker, and she stands up to them citing her citizen’s rights!  

The play then got a huge round of laughs from the audience as the original Gingerbread Man, played by Grade R teacher Phumla Pakamile – who had stepped into this role only a day before due to stage fright in the original player! – starts to harass and tease the new Gingerbread Girl in an attempt to foil the baker’s plan to rid the village of him, the baker’s bad baking mistake.

The production was presented in true old-fashioned theatre style, with each player individually introducing her/himself, saying what grade they were in and what character they would be playing.  It was all carefully guided by Volunteer Co-ordinater and University of Kent Drama graduate Charlotte Whitehead, who started the Drama Club in an effort to introduce theatre to the school and also to encourage some of the more especially quiet and introverted learners at Chintsa East Primary School, where much of her work takes place (and with whom Friends of Chintsa has a long and colourful partnership), to come out and try a different form of expression.

 For the players who took part in the final production this definitely seemed to have done the trick: to me there was a marked difference in confidence among many of the children I have met and worked with since starting my work with FoC.  They all projected their voices well, speaking clearly and fluently, and recited all their lines without a hitch – Charlotte hardly had to voice prompt from her first row seat at all! 

This is Chintsa East Primary School’s second play, the first being a public performance some years ago of Where The Wild Things Are.  As a transformative program, the Drama Club provides a much needed alternative to the challenging circumstances these little people are growing up in, and speaks directly to their natural ability to pretend and play – perfect!  Every school should have a Drama Club!                              

We would like to congratulate Charlotte and the Drama Club players on a truly outstanding performance.  You all worked very hard on this project, and it showed!  If this spirited group of actors keeps up the current trend, they will become a great set of new leaders to watch out for. 

Imagine what more of this kind of work could do for the youth in our village!

From top: Babalwa Haji, who played the baker's 'Igor', receives her performance certificate
from her director, Charlotte, and then takes a bow.
Bottom: one of the gingerbread men that Charlotte made for each of the players

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Interview with Anele Njombolwani, surfer with Friends of Chintsa's Unstressed Surf School

Watch this AWESOME video to learn about The Unstressed Surf School that Anele is taking part in: Unstressed Surf School Chintsa East Wild Coast

- Story by Shaun Odwa Mtshini

It’s a Monday afternoon, the sun is shining in the sky and the sea breeze is gently blowing: afro soul is playing in the background and we’re interviewing Anele Njombolwani: Unstressed Surfer.

Anele was born in 1997, 11th May in Chintsa East.  He stays here with his family: mother, father, Aunts, grandmother, uncle, sister, brothers and his cousins. He did his lower school Grades at Chintsa East Primary School and he then attended Byletts Secondary Senior High School from 2011, 30 minutes’ drive away from Chintsa. Most of his School and team mates are also attending at the same School.

Anele, left, on way home from school with a friend

In June 2012 he became a member of the Unstressed Surf School. Since his joining he has got to know all the children who were also involved in the Unstressed Surf School and competitions. In June 2013 he missed the Barefoot Surf competition because he was at “the mountain” (emolukweni) – Xhosa male initiation – and after coming ‘down from the mountain’ he then decided to join our local rugby team, The Morning Stars. On the team he plays # 10 fly-half They have been playing home coming and outgoing matches.

Anele, middle, in his early days with the Unstressed Surf School

Things are going pretty well for the team because they have won most of their matches against the opposition and have only lost a few. Some of their matches ended in draws but the team tends to grow stronger with each match they play.

This year Anele is doing Grade 10 at Byletts Combine High School.  We asked him some more in depth questions about his plans for the future:

After you matriculated what do you wish to become? - I haven’t decided yet because there is a lot going on my mind at the moment with a lot of careers to choose from, e.g. I’T programming and Mechanical engineering but I can only decide after taking a gap year.

How did you feel when you went for your first surfing competition? - I was feeling a bit nervous and thinking I won’t do others good but Denver encouraged me telling me I must see to see this as one of the Unstressed Surf School class!

Who is your role model? My role model is Jordy Smith.

If you were to go travelling where would you go? - I wish to go to USA, California, and Australia.

The role played by Mike Denison, community members & others

For how long have you known Mike? - When I started surfing back in 2012 June
How would you describe him? - He’s a nice person who always cheers us up whenever one is feeling a bit down or may be having family problems; he is mostly playing with us when we are at the surf school classes.

What do you think of his involvement in your community? - He plays a very important role in our community by means of jobs and doors were opened in many people, e.g. there was no sport field but then he worked with others towards a change and till this day Nkosinathi is employed at the sports field.

What are your thoughts about Friends of Chintsa and the role that they play in your community?  Friends of Chintsa plays an important role in organising and bringing back the mobile clinic with the help of the community members of course.

When did you find out about Mike and his involvement in your community? I don’t remember but it’s been a while since I knew about him and then I got to know him when I started the Unstressed Surf School.

16-going-on-17 Anele today

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The Return of The Big Chintsa Sports Day!

Crowds gather for the 10s football penalty shoot out 

Saturday 1st March saw the return of The Big Chintsa Sports Day. The community turned out in force with representation from schools, local businesses and many sports clubs. The event included rugby, football, netball and volleyball competitions as well as boxing and cricket exhibition matches. 

Chintsa Cricket team discuss tactics

The main event started at 9:30 with the first game of the day was a cricket match between Chintsa Cricket Club to and an invitational adult opposition. I must say it was pretty amazing watching Awonke, the youngest Cricket Club member playing in his smart cricket whites and even taking a wicket. That means his record still stands of taking a wicket in every match he has played.

The event continued with an adult football match and the mighty Gorillas easily beat African Heartland Journeys to advance to the next round. The DJ and MC played a lively mix of music and the weather was fantastic. Hundreds gathered at the sports field as the day went on.

Chintsa Boxing Club put on a fantastic display

One of the highlights of the day was an exhibition by Chintsa Boxing Club. The coach, Sindile, has obviously worked very hard with these young boys as the skills on display were exceptional.

We would like to thank all those who supported the event by entering teams and sponsoring the equipment and refreshments. It was a true success and a fantastic way to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the Chintsa Sports Area. We hope all those involved with the Sports Area, including our international sponsors are pleased to see how much of a centre piece for the village the area has become.

Here are the trophy winners:

 10s football                         Bulugha Farm School
 17s football                         Young Stars
 Under 10s Netball               Chintsa East Primary
 Under 14s Netball               Chintsa East Primary

 Volleyball                            Chintsa East Primary

Rugby                                 Aniseed 
Netball                                Tina’s Team
Volleyball                            The Blue Stars

Football                               Real Madrid

If you'd like to get involved with youth sports in Chintsa in anyway then your help and enthusiasm will be much appreciated. Email for details. 


by Shaun Odwa Mtshini