Tuesday 28 January 2014

EC Health Crisis Action - Stakeholder meeting planned for 11 Feb (Pt. 9 Chintsa For Better Health Care)

Report by Dr. Madeleine Muller, RuDASA National Secretary (and please scroll down to previous blog posts for the full story)

Dear East Coast Friends

A Happy New Year to you all! We are in 2014 and are continuing the pathway to better health services in Ward 6 and Chintsa.

Our resolutions were presented at the District Health Council meeting and Councillor Billie made a commitment to an early stakeholder meeting in 2014. We hope to engage with the District Manager of Amathole District, Mrs Gede, and have sent her several emails with our resolutions, but I am afraid we have had no reply.

I have spoken to the Councillor who has said that he will approach her personally for such a meeting. He suggested we put forward a date and I have therefore asked for a stakeholder meeting in Chintsa East on the 11th of February at 2pm. I will let you know details of that closer to the time. The Councillor will try and get both the District Manager and the District Director to such a meeting.

The delays have been frustrating and we have therefore also decided to start a TAC branch in Chintsa (treatment action campaign). We need 15 members (membership is R10 / year) and we can officially form a branch. We have almost 10 already keen to be part of that group. If you would like to join this local activist branch for health please let me know. I am tempted to arrange the meeting for the formation of the 1st TAC branch on the same day J in case the District Managers do not arrive. We can do it at 4pm after the stakeholder meeting ends.

On a larger scale the Coalition has finally met with Dr Mbengashe last week and he has made several commitments to improving things on various levels. We are preparing for litigation this year if they do not act on the promises that they have made.


Remember to spread the word about how to get in contact with the ECHCAC and stay informed about our work:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/EChealthcrisis (please like the page!)

Website www.echealthcrisis.org (please sign the memorandum!)

Phone: Kwazi Mbatha: 0780599309 or Anele Yawa: 073 555 8849 

Madeleine Muller

RuDASA National Secretary

Rural Doctors Association of Southern Africa
Inspiring others to Rural Health
Tel: 0741028137

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